Sacred Ceremonies

Celebrating Love’s Journey

Our Philosophy

At Sacred Ceremonies, we are transforming what Love is. Shifting the believe that Love is an externally stimulated, internal emotional response, to the knowing, that Love is who we are. Love is an energetic frequency. Our set point. From the moment we land on this rock, Love is what we bring in to our environment. Every mother experiences the overwhelm of Love when their new baby is placed in their arms for the first time. Communities gather and celebrate the new addition and Love abounds. For who doesn’t experience Love in the presence of a new baby. They are “a blank canvas”; nothing but Love.

Throughout our lives, our experience of Love as Self, the Love within us, ebbs and flows. When we find the one we choose to marry, our Love overflows. We are in Love with them. In their presence, our truest self, Love, blooms and flourishes. We give our word to forever, with the intention that our Love will grow and develop within this sacred union. We celebrate this commitment.

We will touch the hearts of hundreds of people throughout our lives. They will feel our Love. We will feel theirs. Strong bonds will be made with whom we express our Love. And when those we Love transition out of the physical form, while our hearts may ache, our Love prevails. We celebrate the life they lived, the Love they shared, the bonds eternal.

Let’s celebrate the journey that Love takes. The highs, the lows, the unions, the promises, the additions, the losses. Love underlies it all.

Here at Sacred Ceremonies, we consider it an honour to be part of life's significant moments. We specialise in providing Civil Celebrant services with a personalised touch. We are dedicated to honouring the journey of Love and creating memorable and heart felt experiences for all. So let us celebrate that universal energy that binds us all together: Love.


  • /beginnings


    Baby Namings
    Welcome Ceremonies
    Blessing Ways
    Maternal Rites Of Passage

  • /unions


    Commitment Ceremonies
    Vow Renewals
    Engagement Parties
    Divorce Ceremonies

  • /celebrations


    Retirement Parties
    Rites of Passage

  • /endings


    Celebrations Of Life
    Living Wakes
    Ash Scattering Ceremonies

About Cassie

I have ridden the rollercoaster of Love, my hair blown back, hands held high up in the air, laughing, squealing, screaming, crying, blissed out and terrified. Experiencing the gamut of emotions associated with living this life with an open heart.

I’ve swooned in love, been cracked open by heartbreak, felt the euphoria of delivering heaven to earth through the birth of my children, ached in grief for the loss of my loved ones.

What is clearer for me than ever, is that Love is at the core of it all; and that Love needs to be celebrated!!

The nutshell version of me is that I was born in Byron Bay and have spent most of my life in the area. I am a mother of 3 boys. I love horse riding, martial arts, belly dance, and singing. I love travelling and learning about different cultures and people so I've lived overseas for over 5 years and circumnavigated the planet multiple times. After studying business, I spent over a decade in the corporate world before getting knocked off that trajectory by the universe several years ago. Since that time I have come back to my heart and am now following the path that I was put on this earth to travel. That path is to connect to humanity and to expand the conversation of Love throughout the world. I work as a Love Based Leadership Consultant, Coach and Educator, and as a Civil Celebrant. These roles allow me to facilitate and expand people's fullest expression of Love; and that is a beautiful thing!

As a Civil Celebrant, it is my absolute privilege and joy to facilitate these conversations and rituals of Love and commitment. As a program leader and educator, I’ve presented to thousands of people, but for me, nothing beats the intimacy of the conversations that are had between a marrying couple at the front of that room. The welcome and promises made to a new born baby by their community. Holding a grieving family through the process of losing one of their own. This is my heart work. And I love it!